All examples can be downloaded in https://github.com/wollok
Each example has a zip file you should uncompress locally. Then, go to the File menu > Import > Existing Projects into Workspace and finally select the folder.
Examples with WKOs
- Basics
- Our first example: pepita
- Pepe's salary. Polymorphism.
- Shrek. Polymorphism. Collections.
- Employees salary. Polymorphism.
- Modeling a purse. Exceptions. Exceptions testing.
- Haloween. Collections. Polymorphism.
- Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory. Collections. Polymorphism.
- Shipwrecked. Collections without closures.
- Matrix. Collections.
- Easter eggs. Collections (Part I, II). Polymorphism.
- Movies. Objects. Polymorphism. Collections.
Examples with classes
- Birds. Inheritance.
- Heroes with classes. Polymorphism. Collections.
- Employees. Basic testing.
- Customers with dummy invoices. Testing with Stubs
- Modeling a purse with classes. Exceptions. Testing. Fixture.
- People addresses. Equality and identity.
- Students. Cohesion. Testing with shared fixture.
- Pepita reloaded. Inheritance between WKO and classes.
- Coliseum. Classes.
- Cellphones. Classes
- Robots everywhere. Classes
- Expenses. Classes (Dictionary and Date use)
Wollok Game examples
All-inclusive examples
You can try Mumuki guides (from Mumuki Project)